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Monday, October 3, 2016

The reasons I buy VIP tickets for the local event Game Start

After coming back from Tokyo Game Show 2016, I got online and got VIP tickets for local event Game Start. URL here for people wondering.

It was my second trip to Tokyo Game Show and I bought 2 days of TGS supporter tickets (About 7000yen for each day). I am sure some folks will wonder why do I even bother with a small local event. It has way less games featured. You don't get some of the more exclusive stuff like getting to play Final Fantasy XV.

Here's the thing, I love going to Japan. I love how big and awesome some of the things in Tokyo Game Show are. It still doesn't change the fact you will never be able to play more than 8 games per day without standing in line for hours. Did I mention you get only a maximum of 15 minutes per play?

The thing about going to Tokyo Game Show is that as much as it is awesome, the logistics and me flying to Japan can get expensive fast. Secondly you need to do a lot of advance planning like even getting online early to make sure you get the supporter tickets. Travel insurance, planning your leave at work, your flights, hotels. Oh and knowing how to navigate to the location. (This is not a problem for me because I been to Japan a number of times and know some really basic level of Japanese).

Also the queuing. Good lord the queuing. Want to buy a merchandise? Please queue. Want to play a game demo? Please queue. Want to enter the location early? Please queue as well.

Average queue time for games is about an hour. That is average. I had experienced queuing nearly 2 hours to buy merchandise.

Considering I went for both days of Tokyo Game Show. My knees and ankles were hurting so much I was walking slightly bow-legged and limping when I left the event hall. 7 hours of standing per day. (Show runs from 10.00AM to 5.00PM)

Because Tokyo Game Show happens way outside of Tokyo city (it is closer to Chiba then Tokyo) you going to need time to get in and out of the place (with tons of people). Also you hardly have time to eat, so I pretty much packed sandwiches and Onigiris for lunch etc.

This trip I only got to play about 6 games in total. Its quite disappointing not to get to play more games for me really.

Oh and I almost forgot, stage shows. Which I can't see well from the crowd and often miss because a lot of them have timings where they clash with 1 and another.

Tokyo Game show aside, Game Start for once I don't need to plan so much to visit it. Its S$70 bucks for all 3 days. I got VIP which I can get in early (though I can't this time cause of work reasons). I get to actually play games and almost all of them. The stage shows are usually held at one center stage.

Lastly at the end of the event, I can just take a cab home whisk myself home quickly in my own bed. I be ready for the next day if I am up for it.

Looking forward to Game Start this weekend.

Gallery of photos I took for the trip. It has assorted ones so it won't be that interesting?

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Git Gud - It apparently got on people's nerves

Yes I am pointing to this particular article from Rock Paper Shotgun. Link Here (https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2016/05/18/editorial-an-end-to-git-gud-you-dont-need-to-be-good-at-games/)

For the TLDR verison.

It is totally fine for you to be bad and still enjoy the game. Though people here are questioning if you are familiar enough with a game/genre to be reviewing the game because you know its your f**king job as a reviewer. Also no one really gives 2 f**ks about if you enjoy playing a game or not. Neither do people care if you need to tell the world about it. I don't think you should care about people thinking if you are bad either.

ok now with those people in hurry out of the way.

I like to point out some things I have some issues in the article.

John talks about people being hostile for the video of the person showing footage of the DOOM play. First I will say that I agree that the comments are at times really hostile. At the same time looking at the more sensible comments. They almost all noted that this level of play is kind of bad for someone who is reviewing a game.

The main reason for that comment is that people want someone who is familiar with a genre/game to be reviewing a game. You most certainty expected a car reviewer to least be able to tell the difference between a auto-gearing car over a manual gear shifting car right?

Defending his play as enjoying the game makes even less sense as the reason the footage was uploaded is to showcase the game. You again don't expect a car review to go "Well that was a great joy ride and....what did I need to do again? Oh right review the car."

The whole point of the footage is to help people see and understand how the game is like. Putting out poor footage does not help the player who wants to know the game. It does not help the company making the game and ultimately it does help the image of the web publishing company.

It simple amazes me that the editor allowed this kind of footage up. The video footage is not a live stream capture of a first look either.

Next, he stated that even though some people take longer to clear a game. They can still give expert opinions on the game. That I cannot agree. If that statement is true, as long as I can build a table even though the table can barely stand I would be able to give an expert opinion of the craft of making a table.

Seriously though the only kind of opinion I can give at that point is really just a beginner's opinion of building a table not an expert one.

A job of a reviewer is as the name says, review things. We do hold some expectations of a reviewer as someone who is least above average in the knowledge of the thing or subject. Not another regular Joe who merely fiddles in the thing as a hobby. It is a paid professional after all.

You cannot pretend to be a professional and pretend to be a hobbyist at the same time. Paypal does this. You want to be like Paypal who at times pretends to be a bank and at times pretends not to be bank?

I agree with you it is wrong to shame people who not being good at playing games. The issue here is you are not playing games on a personal capacity. You are playing games as a paid writer/reviewer. You are required to least give an opinion of someone who knows more than the average Joe in that particular subject.

If you cannot even manage that, please consider another working in another profession.

P.S. Telling people to Git lost in the article is definitely not helping with the whole image for you as a professional writer.

I have some opinons about the need to Git Gud and the whole idea of games needing to be fun. Most of them are already talked about by Kayin. So I point you to his article.
Link here (https://kayin.moe/?p=3021)