I just want to have some talk about Deltarune. More in the line of what I see of the game not in terms of fun but more in terms of how people are reacting to it and how I see Toby Fox is dealing with the whole thing. Yes, I will also refer to his tweet longer post as well (http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1sqn3p9).
As for story speculations I leave it to the rest of the internet to debate this to hell and back. Personally I am not that keen on that aspect. The game is not completed, the demo could change etc
Definitely going to have a bit of spoiler in this though mostly not intentional. The game is free, go play it.
A quick summary of how the game fare to me.
Going through the opening of the game already I feel emotional and nostalgic. By mid game, you have already grown quite attached to the characters and their quirks. After reaching the castle, you hope this is not the end.
Did I talk about the music? Oh man the music. You have to hear it yourself. (Fields of Hopes and Dreams has this Seiken Densetsu vibe. Has some Touhou tune in it as well)
The animations and battle section of the game is more polished than Undertale.
Now onto the main topic here
I will talk about the thing that has been hanging over in my head. Toby's tweet longer post. Coming from the success of Undertale has really made it difficult for him. He believes that he will be unable to fulfill hype for his next game and have accepted that fact.
This is interesting for me as a lot of the other developers seems to believe their game can do a lot better than their previous success. Though I believe Toby's acceptance that he cannot fulfill the coming expectations of his next game is going to least help evaluate the pressure of making new games in the future.
He is having difficulties making Deltarune as the game is much bigger and more complex than Undertale. Just the demo itself took a few years to complete. He also stated that he has no experience working with a team to develop games.
In regards to that, this is easy to understand. Undertale was mostly done by Toby himself. Undertale as you can see playing it is almost fully Toby's vision and his own storytelling method. With a team, not only does Toby needs to think about making the game, he needs to supervise other people on the game as well. It is nearly impossible for the game to be fully his vision when done with a team. I am not sure if Toby himself is ready to accept that fact.
Talking about the game development came another point, the game will only have 1 ending. This seemed to have brought some debate between people not wanting to play the game because it only has 1 ending. For me, I don't see any issue. Some of the best JRPGS around are single ending. Single ending or not, I am more interested in the story Toby wants to tell.
Which leads me to the Toby wanting to tell this story for a long time. His initial drafts of Deltarune dated somewhere in 2012. I am not sure if it is the same feeling as I have when I needed to write about Tokyo Dark (ahem read it here https://t.co/TW3De3PnEM). The feeling of need to get it out of your head before it drives you insane not doing so.
Now that I have gotten this off my chest. I can go back to wasting my free time by napping.
End of survey.